Seeing someone you care about going through a tough time after the death of a loved one can leave you unsure of how to best offer the comfort and support they need. There are excellent ways of doing this, but there are also things you want to avoid saying so that you do not upset the person. If you are worried about not saying the right things, here are some options directors of funeral homes in Kaysville, UT want you to remember to avoid.
You never want to tell the person who is grieving that their loved one is in a better place. They will likely want the person to be there with them and saying something like that can make them feel guilty. It is something that lots of people say, but it is better to avoid it.
Another thing you want to remember to avoid saying is that you know exactly what the person is going through. Even if you have gone through a similar loss, it is not likely you now precisely what they are dealing with because everyone grieves in a different manner. You can also make the person feel like their loss is not important and that is never something you want to do. Instead, encourage the person to tell you what they are feeling and what they are dealing with.
You want to also avoid saying that you know the person is strong and so they will not have a problem getting past the loss. It is meant as an encouraging phrase, but it can actually put pressure on your loved one to start pretending they are feeling better sooner than they really are. Someone who is grieving needs to be sure that they can take their time with grieving so they can come to terms with what has happened.
Never hint that the person has grieved for long enough. That is not up to you to consider and it can make things much more difficult for your loved one if they have to pretend that they are over the loss if they really are not. Let the person know that you are always there for them, instead, and welcome what they want to share with you.
These are some important things to remember not to say to someone who is grieving a loss. It is always going to be a difficult time for someone in mourning, but it can be even worse if you are not careful about what you say. You want to think about the things that would make a difference to you if you were in their position. To learn more about the process of grieving and how you can offer the person the help they need, you can reach out to a Kaysville, UT funeral home like us. With our experience and dedication, you can be sure to get the guidance you need. Call us right now or visit us today to get stated.